16 Aug Aaaaarrrr Mateys! FUNdraiser for City Band and Normal Park
Ahoy! Avast! Ye ship be sailin.’ On Thursday night, Aug. 25, the Merrill City Band will be sponsoring a night of fun and merriment at Humphrey’s Pub to raise bounty for the band and the development of Normal Park. The pub will donate 10% of sales and 100% of tips to the cause from 6-8:00 p.m. The fun begins earlier however, so ye can come early and stay late. Starting at 5 p.m., Rich’s Amazin’ Blazin’ BBQ will be set up outside fer ye to feast upon and will also be donating 10% of sales.
Raffles galore fer over $3,000 worth of booty, including the famous 50/50 raffle, cold hard cash prize of $200, $400 rocker/recliner, 2017 Aquatic Center Pass, Merrill business gift certificates, dog sled rides in the winter, Merrill restaurant package, Riverside Athletic Club month memberships, Wausau Community Theater and Merrill Concert Association tickets, elk mount, picture clock, Nintendo 64 console and game, sterling silver necklace, Packer cooler with all the fixin’s, Packer chairs and other Packer items, candy dispenser (and candy!), car packages (oil change, car washes, detailing certificate), basket of chocolate, multiple baskets of grog and spirits, and more. It be worth a little a yer bounty!
If enough loot be raised in the donation bucket, LeRoy the Barber will remove the beard of Mad Jack Cash, AKA, Heath Seefeld at 7:45 p.m. Aaaaarrrrr, the city band has been wantin’ to take that thing off all summer, so please help!
Yer staff fer the evening be: peg-legged chairperson Cap’n Darby Deadbones (Linda Becker); cannon master, Dastardly Bootz (Tim Zimmerman) and his assistant Eye-Gougin’ Radley Scarr (Greg Eichelkraut); MC without a hammer Cat Whisker the Mellon Collie (Mike Chula); bearded ticket scalper Mad Jack Cash (Heath Seefeld); bartendin’ Pirate Rachel the Rum-Swiller (Meredith Prebeg), Cap’n Avalon Fancypants (Helen Ourada), and Long John Redbeard (Jon Hughes); half there 50/50 rafflin’ Jimmy Blunderbuss (Jim Finucan); ticket sellin’ Jake YerBooty Jones (Jeff Schram) and Sharkbite (Hershel Webb); and wrist bandin’ Delilah the Dark Haired Parrot Charmer (Brenda Zimmerman).
Tis gonna be a great night of piratin’. Pirate attire is encouraged, but not required, though there be some bounty fer the best dressed pirate…and the best “Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh.” A dollar cover charge gets ye the chance to fire the pirate cannon outside. Boom! Every 15 minutes another number will be drawn to shake up the neighborhood. Boom!! And did we mention….BOOM!!!
If ye be comin’ fer just the grub or to see (and hear!) the cannon being fired, bring the kids. Leave the little pirates at home though, if ye be plannin’ some fun in the pub.
Who knew raising money could be so much fun! Please join us! Aaaaaarrrrrrr…..