03 Sep City Band Director Has A Leg Up On The Labor Day Parade
Going to the Labor Day parade? Enjoy Merrill City Band concerts on Wednesday nights, Gazebo Nights concerts on Thursdays, or shopping the Farmers Market at Normal Park? Have the same complaint most people do – no restrooms? Close your eyes and picture this: an ADA compliant park with restrooms, concession stand, warming house, more trees, benches, picnic tables, improved lighting, bicycle racks, an irrigated level green lawn, walkways, a small playground, and aesthetically pleasing trash bins.
The city band only uses the park seven nights during the summer, but wants to give back to the community for all the support they’ve received over the years. In addition to raising money for band equipment, they have taken the lead in raising funds to improve the park for the entire community and beyond. A little over a half million dollars is needed to do both.
Contributions can be sent to Friends of the City Band, Chamber of Commerce Foundation, 705 N. Center Ave., Merrill, WI 54452. You can also download donation forms on the Chamber of Commerce website (merrillchamber.org) or the new City Band website (merrillcityband.org). Online donations can be made on the chamber website. A link to that site is available on the city band site as well. All major credit cards are accepted and contributions are tax-deductible.
Now is a great time to donate! Anonymous donors will match all contributions, up to $25,000, through Labor Day. Your contribution could be effectively doubled! If you’ve visited or participated in the Farmers Market, or enjoyed concerts, family reunions, picnics, a midday lunch, or any other activity at the park, the band is asking for your help in this fundraising effort. The Labor Day parade will give you the opportunity to show your support by donating to the cause.
Director Linda Becker will scoot about and be happy to accept your contributions. Becker notes, “This will be the first parade I’ve been unable to march with the band since I came to town in 1977,” and adds laughingly, “but I’ll be more than happy to take everyone’s money along the route!”